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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Assassin's Creed Story in a Nutshell (Kind of)

Contains Spoilers! Read On Your On Risk! 

In 2012 Desmond Miles is an ordinary guy and living an ordinary life until he is kidnap! He is brought to the mysterious headquarters of Abstergo. Inside Desmond is force to use a machine call "The Animus". Which allows a person to revisit their genetic memories, Re-living  the lives of their ancestors. Things turns out that Abstergo is the modern "Knights Templar's". Desmond comes from a long line of Assassins. Charge of fighting the Templars defending the human ideal free will. The Templars need Desmond mind to access the pass to find ancient artifacts called "pieces of eden". Their goal, to discover clues to location of pieces of eden. Which should finally allow them to achieve world harmony through subjugation. Using the animus, templars sent Desmond to the 12th century.

In the aftermath of the 3rd crusade, the Assassins and the Templars are at war in the city of Masyaf and the pieces of eden objects, knowns as a apple has the power to control people mind. Desmond assassin ancestor Altaïr is sent to get the apple in Solomon tomb but not to follows the creed to the assassin's and fails his mission. Disgraces, Altaïr is sent on a mission for redemption by his Master Al Mualim by killing 9 corrupted individuals across the land. Altaïr taking out his targets one by one discovering they are all high ranking Templar agents. Falling to Altaïr, Robert de Sable the leader of the Knights Templars confess to Altaïr that their are actually 10 high rank templars. The 10th is Al Mualim himself who wanting the control of the apple tricked Altaïr into looking for it. Betrayed, Altaïr returns to Masyaf finding out his fellow assassins has been in slaved. Al Mualim uses the apple in an attempt to take control of the known world. Altaïr immune to the apple effect, confronts and kills his master. Altaïr gets the apple and is showed the location of 28 pieces of eden scattered around the world.

This is the memory what Abstergo is looking for. With his master dead Altaïr resumes control of his brotherhood of assassins and starts a family while expanding his reach of order. Returning to Masyaf after a long absences, Altaïr finds out that his rival Abbas took control of the assassins order. Fueled by rage Altaïr lash out on Abbas with the apple, accidentally killing his wife. Crushed by his by own aggression Altaïr goes into exile. Decades later elderly Altaïr returns to Masyaf once again to liberate his people from Abbas control. This time he kills Abbas, takes control of Masyaf, and builds a library deep below his city. The keys to the library are sent to distance lands. Altaïr seals himself inside the library with the apple of eden and a final message for his heirs.

Back at Abstergo, Desmond is brought out of the animus and been determine no more use to Templars. Lucy Stillman, an undercover assassin posing to be an asbtergo scientist, frees Desmond sparing his life. She tell Desmond about an bleeding effect that will allow him to learn his ancestor powers. Using Altaïr "eagle vision" Desmond discover crazy messages from Subject 16 written in blood all over the wall and floors for telling the fall of the world in 2012. Escaping Asbtergo, Desmond and Lucy link up with two more assassins Shaun and Rebbecca. The crew convince Desmond to use their new "animus 2.0" to re-live another ancestor assassin to get skills from the bleeding effect in 2012. Desmond agrees and is sent to Renaissance, Italy the 15th century.

The home of the assassin Ezio Auditore da Firenze. When Ezio father and brothers falsely accuse of a crime and publicly executed to death, Ezio Swears Revenge. On his way to vindicate his family, Ezio discovers an Templar conspiracy involving the Vatican. With the help of his Uncle Mario, Leonardo da Vinci, and Niccolo. Ezio finds out it all links to the wealthy family of the Borgia then assassinate them one by one. During the battles across Europe, Ezio gets an apple of eden crossing path with Templar leader Rodrigo Borgia. Through some bloody political maneuvering, Rodrigo is declared Pope Alexander the VI. In attempt to lead the Templar's into a fable vault. Hidden in Vatican city. Ezio and his allies discovers Rodrigo controls a piece of eden called the "Staff" that looks what it is called. Ezio Travels to Rome and fist fight the Pope and takes the staff. Using his apple and the staff, Ezio enters the vault. His entery triggers an Holographic recording from Minerva. An member of the first civilization which is a far more advance race that exist with the humans on earth.

Back then some type of global catastrophe nearly wipe out all life on earth. Minerva speaking through Ezios memories directly to Desmond, warns him about another impending doom. Desmonds and Ezios minds were blown away. Back in 2012 Desmond is yanked from the animus by his allies to flea the safehouse from the Templars hot on their heels. The new goal. Find Ezio apple of eden and more evidence of Minerva proficiency but where to look? In the aftermath of the Pope versus Assassin, Ezio fleas Rome. Rodrigo son, Cesare Borgia declares open war on the assassins and fueled by the french forces. Mounts an all out attack on Ezio headquarters. It had scatter the assassin's forces and takes the life of Ezios Uncle Mario as well taking back the apple of eden. Force to rebuild the brotherhood Ezio find new alliances and needs intel on Cesare and his allies. Man by man Ezios kills Cesare powerful allies stripping the power and finances. Family Drama unfolds and arrested when he tries to take Rome by force.

With the apple secured again, Ezio places it in the Roman Coliseum. Its intended final resting place. Watching Through the animus Desmond figures out where to go. He gets the apple in a labyrinth under the coliseum and gets another first civilization message from Juno talks about Minerva warning and goes a step further. Possessing Desmond, forcing him to kill Lucy who turns out to be a Templar double agent. Overwhelm by the ancient energy and prolong stay in the animus, Desmond collapse into a coma and seemly lost. With Lucy dead and Desmond in coma, senior member of the assassins order comes and help. Desmond Father, Williams Miles, teams up with Shaun and Rebecca to recover his son mind. Williams hopes sending his son back into the animus they can pull him out of his coma.

Within the animus, Desmond meets Subject 16, the bloody finger painter from asbtergo. Subject 16 tells Desmond to revisit the twilight years of Ezio and Altaïr. Not only that separating the two in his mind, he will wake up from his coma. Desmond learns that he isnt the first to look back at his ancestors. Ezio had also done this. Ezio Travels to Constantinople tracking down the keys to Altaïr library. Getting all the 5 keys Ezio goes to Masyaf. Ezio enters the library discovering Altaïr decade body and realize he is being used as an conduit through time. He address Desmond directly creating a link back to reality. Jupiter, the third member of the first civilization appears in Desmond coma to give the final warning, "the end of the world is nai". A solar flare will eradicate modern civilization much like the first civilization. After the fall ,Minerva, Juno, Jupiter, and other god-like beings interbreed with humans survivors to try to repopulate the earth. They created the first assassins "Adam & Eve" and bless them with their sixth sense, eagle vision.

Desmond one hope to save the world is to find the central vault found in the modern New England. Which is engineered by the first civilization to save the world the second time around. Desmond journey is all base on this one moment. To save the world he must dive into memories of third assassin ancestors while evading Templars and racing from an apocalypse. But such tales and destinies are the stuff of revolutions and revolutionary's.

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